A CLOCKWORK FAIRY TALE by Helen Scott Taylor (not to be confused with the Infernal devices by Cassandra Clare)

A CLOCKWORK FAIRY TALE by Helen Scott Taylor (not to be confused with the Infernal devices by Cassandra Clare) 

Right, so I am recommending another book that hasn't got the hype or media attention like others, but that doesn't mean it isn't good. I think that I have been guilty of only reading popular books but that is too easy, I like finding books that have been sitting in our blind-spots and deserve a little more.

besides different and fresh books can be the best. 

 I have the e-book version of this story, and have never actually seen it in a paperback form... but I highly recommend reader with kindle or the likes to check it out.
The main characters Melba and Turk are spy/thieves and for anyone who enjoys a sort of steampunk Victorian romance then this is a great book! I’ll admit it is simpler written than the likes of Cassandra Clare or Sarah.J.Mass  but the characters are vivid and real. 

It follows the classic kidnapped princess theme... yet with twists and extra toes. 


The romance develops slowly as Melba was raised like a boy and that sort of influences her thoughts toward Turk. Melba seems to be quite young originally but I think as her feelings for Turk arise and her lifestyle changes dramatically she matures a little. 

But to be utterly honest Melbas naivety and young nature did annoy me a little. There were other characters I found myself reading the book for instead... Dante for one! And of course like any book I read, i found myself reading a lot for the secondary character romance... Though I love Melba and Turk a lot. The background of the city is touched on but somethings  take a bit of thinking about before you realize what they mean't but there are some very cool but creepy magicks that I have never seen written about before like Helen Scott Taylor did and that meant it was new. I didn't feel Like I was reading her interpretation of a type of magic or steampunk that has already been overused.                                                                                       The author created a believable and in depth land that didn’t seem to far fetched but yet still incorporated magic and themes of steampunk that gave the fairy-tale feel. 
So if you want a interesting and entertaining read, with an array of incredible characters.... an a villain whom you hate immensely... with romance and adventure then I highly recommend this story. 

I have read it over three times (currently reading it for a forth time) and loved it every time. If you are after a satisfying stand-alone then go for it. 
If I was honestly rating it then I would say 4 out of 5 due to not-so-great character development on Melba’s part


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