Fangirl By Rainbow Rowell

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is a book that I have always wanted to read. So I was really excited when I had a whole holiday away to sit down and really read the book without any distractions or other work to worry about. (Reading a book in a few sittings is one of the best feelings ever!)

Fangirl is a funny, heartwarming book about the struggles of Cath, A new college student who is trying to break out of her shell. She's a twin with her sister Wren. However Wren wants to party and try new things and make new friends. Cath suddenly feels left alone, with nothing but her favourite books and her fan-fiction and her new roommate, Who at first don’t seem be on the same page.

Cath struggles with finding new friends and leaving the safety of her room, only retreating to the library and going to her creative writing classes. As the novel processes Cath starts to find out who she really is and how to go on in life without the safely of being with her twin or hiding in her creative writing and favourite movies.
Fangirl is a beautiful book. It's charming and funny, romantic and relate-able to to fangirl/boy in all of us.

I’ve never related to a character more in a book before.
The book tackles things like social struggles in today's age and the pressure to fit in and making new friends for someones who abit more introverted, Fangirl also brings in things like first love and finding who you really are.  All the characters were so well written, they  added depth and didn’t make the story feel like it was just about Cath and her struggles.

The only downside about fangirl is that it is a stand alone book.
I felt that it ended too quickly, I wanted to read more. (I guess that's a good thing).

The romance in this book is amazing. The character lines are gold. Every page made me laugh,smile and made me keep reading.
This is the first novel by Rainbow Rowell that I have read and it's really left a great and wonderful impression on me, I can’t wait to read ‘Carry on’ and her other novels.

Without spoiling anything else in the book this is all I can really say.

I’m very reluctant to give books in my reviews 5/5, but I related and loved this book so much!

So I give Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, 5/5 stars

- Courtney

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